Just Water off a Duck's Ass

PSA WARNING: Adult Language and bad grammar may be used in this blog post
You know,
I/we don’t spend our days and nights thinking or talking about F*ckwad, F*cktard, Dip$hit, A$$wipe, A$$hole oh and my favorite “That Mother F*cker”.
That’s just a few names I use for our Narcissist, among others of course.
We don't like to say his actual name. It’s almost like saying Lord Voldemort's name in Harry Potter. By doing so you evoke the evil.
But something popped up last month and I thought it was important to share.
You see we had been looking without success to find a few documents that my daughter was missing.
Needless to say a few days before what would have been their 2nd Wedding anniversary, his family decided to grace my daughters mailbox with an envelope that contained her passport and my grandsons birth certificate.
*his family meaning: It looks to be his mother’s handwriting on the envelope.
Now whether HE put her up to it or SHE took it upon herself after finding said trophies to send it to my daughter I do not know. Although I would wager a guess he didn’t have knowledge of it, he doesn’t give any of his treasures/trophies back willingly and/or without getting something in return.
Why did it take a year and a half AFTER the split up/divorce?
Well, I have a theory!
You see HE likes to take trophies or personal items of the exes. He keeps them and holds it over them hoping to win them back or use it as a worm to try to reel them back in like a fisherman would reel in his fish..
Sorta kinda like a serial killer keeps trophies of their victims so they can cherish them, relive the trauma they put upon their victims, for control, to still be able to possess some part of them.
It’s f*cking twisted if ya ask me.
Anyway these trophies/treasures can have a huge meaning to the ex’s. Something they would cherish or want to keep. Something that CAN NOT be replaced.
Like a few VCR tapes. Remember those folks?
VCR tapes that had/has intimate moments of one's family, of celebrating their children's birthdays or family gatherings.
Or like a beautiful well loved and needed puppy. One that became an emotional support dog for an autistic child and a traumatized woman. i.e. We ended up having to pay to keep this puppy that he never wanted, which he said was a gift (the, I'm sorry kind).
Or the Hope of a Child that simply just wanted a kind loving dad.
Or something that CAN be replaced but not without jumping through hoops and the cost to replace those Items.
Like Federal documentation. e.g. a passport
Like a child's birth certificate.
Like mail that is addressed to an ex, opened, read, kept till almost expiration date/due date. Used as a ploy to try to meet up, to talk. To Stalk.
I believe that it's a federal offence to knowingly open someone else's mail that wasn't addressed to you. (Which he should know ALL TO WELL about mail fraud. (This is of Public record) he was indicted and plead guilty for conspiracy to commit mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1349, as well as mail fraud, § 1341, involving the products-liability lawsuit)
Narcissists like to keep things from their victims. It gives them control albeit a false sense of control for some. But in most cases it works because their victims want or need those items back.
Thankfully my daughter and grandson were able to keep their puppy by the grace of an awesome group of people that donated to help pay the “ransom”. Yes Ransome, that's what I call it. (my words paraphrasing his) “Give me money or you ain’t getting your dog”, kind of ransom.
One of the angels that donated said and I quote “Evil is NOT gonna win today!”.
The VCR tapes were returned also but not by his hand. And now, unbeknownst to us of him having them, the items we had been searching for were returned, again assuming not by his hand.
Yes I know, Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. But I would still wager a guess.
The theory,
Momma did it without his knowledge, momma was going through his stuff maybe to help him move and found them, He found someone else he is trying to love bomb and she found them and gave him an ultimatum or he wanted to cause more trauma for my daughter by having them sent back days before their wedding anniversary. To trigger trauma.
I praise the lord daily that my daughter had the foresight to go NO CONTACT after she left him. The day she left was the day she TOOK BACK HER LIFE. She began to live again.
To All especially women:
If you find yourself in any type of an abusive relationship. PLEASE seek help. Go to or call your nearest police station. They can give you all the information on where you can go for help.
Document/record EVERYTHING
Keep ANY AND ALL documentation, screenshots, messages. Keep them in different forms and different places. Emails, printed copies, digital copies, disk drives, portable USB drives. Print out and give to someone to hold that YOU trust. Someone that isn’t associated with your abuser. File police reports. Tell people, knowledge is power.
Most importantly GET OUT! Get out Safely but get out!
If it is a Narcissist that is your abuser, (well they all will do this but especially a narc) They will bad mouth you and your family. Anyone that disagrees with them and/or anyone that is not on their side. They will call you crazy, unhinged, unstable, fucking nuts, manipulator, liar, blame everything on you or yours. They will say that you don’t know what you are talking about. They will gaslight everyone. That never happened, they are just trying to soil my good name… they want this from me or that… they are just jealous, they are mean and despicable,
Omgosh the list goes on..
I know this from personal experience sadly, but It doesn’t matter. She GOT OUT.
It’s the flying monkeys, the so-called friends and associates, the extended family that never know the real person to be able to tell what and where the lies are.
They put on a false front for the public. It’s the ppl that live under the same roof or that have intimate knowledge that KNOW and SEE the REAL monster behind the mask.
So let them talk trash.
It's just water off a duck’s ass baby girl(s)!
Just water off a Duck’s ass!
Blessings to y’all,
I have to say this for all reasons!
*disclaimer: this post is MY OPINION. As always, Make sure to read the full disclaimer at the bottom of the website.